Updated: Nov 12, 2023
楊鎮源 醫師
Chen-Yuan Yang, MD
光田綜合醫院 骨科部 部長
光田綜合醫院 骨科部 手外科暨顯微重建科主任
台灣骨科創傷醫學會 監事
AO Trauma 國際骨折內固定學會 台灣講師
國立陽明大學醫學系 畢業
義大醫院骨科部 臨床研究員
北京積水潭醫院 手外科進修
開放性骨折 粉碎性骨折 骨折癒合不良 骨髓炎
斷指再接 顯微手術
複雜傷口 皮瓣重建
頑固骨折不癒合/大範圍骨缺損 顯微植骨重建
台灣骨科創傷醫學會 監事
AO Trauma 國際骨折內固定學會 台灣講師
國立陽明大學醫學系 畢業
義大醫院骨科部 臨床研究員
北京積水潭醫院 手外科進修
開放性骨折 粉碎性骨折 骨折癒合不良 骨髓炎
斷指再接 顯微手術
複雜傷口 皮瓣重建
頑固骨折不癒合/大範圍骨缺損 顯微植骨重建
關節鏡輔助 遠端橈骨骨折復位內固定
關節鏡輔助 遠端橈骨骨折復位內固定
2. Yang CY, Chen WJ. Arthroscopic transosseous foveal footprint repair of the triangular fibrocartilage complex. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2022 May;47(5):486-494.(PubMed英文摘要/中文介紹)
3. Yang CY, Liu TY, Hsu JT, Tsai MT. Biomechanical analysis of new cross locking plates for metacarpal neck fracture. J. Med. Biol. Eng. 2022;42: 404–413.(英文摘要)
4. Chou TA, Liu TY, Wang MN, Yang CY. Treatment of Refractory Congenital Pseudoarthrosis of Tibia with Contralateral Vascularized Fibular Bone Graft and Anatomic Distal Tibial Locking Plate: A Case Series and Literature Review. Children. 2023; 10(3):503.(PubMed英文摘要/中文介紹)
5. Yang CY, Tay ST, Kuo LT. Suprapatellar vs infrapatellar approaches for intramedullary nailing of distal tibial fractures: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Orthop Traumatol. 2023 Apr 11;24(1):14.(PubMed英文摘要/中文介紹)
2016 3rd AOTrauma Asia Pacific Scientific Congress & TK Experts’Symposium:Replantation for traumatic amputation through palm or wrist joint
2016 3rd Pan Asia Orthopedic Trauma Symposium 東亞骨創傷高峰論壇:My Battle History with Recalcitrant Distal Femoral Nonunion
3. Yang CY, Liu TY, Hsu JT, Tsai MT. Biomechanical analysis of new cross locking plates for metacarpal neck fracture. J. Med. Biol. Eng. 2022;42: 404–413.(英文摘要)
4. Chou TA, Liu TY, Wang MN, Yang CY. Treatment of Refractory Congenital Pseudoarthrosis of Tibia with Contralateral Vascularized Fibular Bone Graft and Anatomic Distal Tibial Locking Plate: A Case Series and Literature Review. Children. 2023; 10(3):503.(PubMed英文摘要/中文介紹)
5. Yang CY, Tay ST, Kuo LT. Suprapatellar vs infrapatellar approaches for intramedullary nailing of distal tibial fractures: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Orthop Traumatol. 2023 Apr 11;24(1):14.(PubMed英文摘要/中文介紹)
2016 3rd AOTrauma Asia Pacific Scientific Congress & TK Experts’Symposium:Replantation for traumatic amputation through palm or wrist joint
2016 3rd Pan Asia Orthopedic Trauma Symposium 東亞骨創傷高峰論壇:My Battle History with Recalcitrant Distal Femoral Nonunion
2017 Summit of Bone and Soft Tissue Management in Limb Reconstruction 骨科肢體重建高峰論壇:Reverse Sural Fasciocutaneous Flap for lower leg and heel soft tissue reconstruction
2017 4th Pan Asia Orthopedic Trauma Symposium:Vacuum Assisted Closure for traumatic foot and ankle soft tissue defect
2018 5th Pan Asia Orthopedic Trauma Symposium:Painful lessons learned from proximal radius fracture: How to Avoid and How to Manage Posterior Interosseous Nerve injury
2019 4th AOTrauma Asia Pacific Scientific Congress 國際內固定學會亞太區年會:Staged reconstruction with Negative Pressure Wound Therapy and flap coverage for traumatic foot and ankle soft tissue defect
2019 6th Pan Asia Orthopedic Trauma Symposium:Arthroscopic-Assisted Reduction of Intra-articular Distal Radius Fracture
2019 美國 74th annual meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand(ASSH) 美國手外科醫學會年會 ePoster:Arthroscopic transosseous TFCC foveal footprint repair
2019 韓國 5th Congress of Asia Pacific Wrist Association (APWA) 亞太腕關節學會年會:Arthroscopic transosseous TFCC foveal footprint repair
2022 22nd congress of Asia Pacific Orthopedic Association(APOA) 亞太骨科醫學會年會Clinical excellence award:Staged soft tissue reconstruction with negative pressure wound therapy for Type IIIB open fracture around foot and ankle2017 4th Pan Asia Orthopedic Trauma Symposium:Vacuum Assisted Closure for traumatic foot and ankle soft tissue defect
2018 5th Pan Asia Orthopedic Trauma Symposium:Painful lessons learned from proximal radius fracture: How to Avoid and How to Manage Posterior Interosseous Nerve injury
2019 4th AOTrauma Asia Pacific Scientific Congress 國際內固定學會亞太區年會:Staged reconstruction with Negative Pressure Wound Therapy and flap coverage for traumatic foot and ankle soft tissue defect
2019 6th Pan Asia Orthopedic Trauma Symposium:Arthroscopic-Assisted Reduction of Intra-articular Distal Radius Fracture
2019 美國 74th annual meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand(ASSH) 美國手外科醫學會年會 ePoster:Arthroscopic transosseous TFCC foveal footprint repair
2019 韓國 5th Congress of Asia Pacific Wrist Association (APWA) 亞太腕關節學會年會:Arthroscopic transosseous TFCC foveal footprint repair
2023 韓國 APOA Hand & Upper Limb Society亞太骨科醫學會上肢與手外科分會:Arthroscopic-Assisted Reduction of Intra-articular Distal Radius Fracture
2016 新思惟 醫學演講與生涯工作坊 醫學演講大賽 演講王
2016 新思惟 網路時代之個人品牌工作坊 最佳網站設計大獎
2017 新思惟 臨床研究與發表工作坊 最佳統計製圖大獎
2018 台中市醫師公會 卓越貢獻獎
2019 台灣手外科醫學會年會 Free paper論文報告 第三名
2022 亞太骨科醫學會年會 Asia Pacific Orthopedic Association Clinical excellence award 第三名